

Seeing the world through a different lens...
Everyday items and activities seen with a completely different set of eyes -- or, literally, through a different lens than you're used to. A long-wave camera was used for all videos. Specifically, it was a FLIR Exx-Series bx model.

Click here for the entire playlist!

Hot Tea in a Stainless Steel Mug
Infrared Footage
A Dry and Wet Soft Contact Lens
A Fan, a Camera, and a Razor
Alcohol in the Breath
Applying Moisturizer to Skin
Back of the Hand
Battery Chargers and Garbage Bags
Body Heat
Boiling Water on the Stove
Breathe In and Breathe Out
Breathing Through a T-Shirt
Cast Iron and Stainless Steel Cookware
Cast Iron Pan
CFL, In the Kitchen, Microwaving Things
Closer Look at LED Light Bulbs
Cooking Scrambled Eggs
Cooking with a Microwave Oven
CRT Television Viewed
Daytime Outdoors
Dumbbells and Light Bulbs
Electric Hot Water Kettle
Finger Painting on a Carpet
Flicking an LED Light Bulb On
Hand in Hot and Cold Water
Human Foot
Human Hands
Human Teeth and Tongue
Ice Cubes, Foil, Food Wrap
Inside a Desktop Computer Case
Inside of a Refrigerator
Insulated Vacuum Water Bottle
IR Vision, First Crack: Hot Cup, LCD TV, and a Laptop
Laptop On a Chair
Looking at More Garbage Bags and Glass
Kettles, Hot Water, and Sunlight
Mixing Hot and Cold Water
Mixing of Water, Hot and Cold
Modem and Router
More Ice Cubes
Morning Cereal and Milk
Night Sky
Peeling a Banana
Plastic Wrapped Ice on Skin
Playing with Water
Putting on a Warm Jacket
Reheating Noodles on a Stove
Seeing Body Heat Through Clothes
Seeing Infrared Through a Plastic Box
Seeing through walls using an infrared camera?
Seeing Through Something
Sony Walkman NWZ-E384 and Maglite Flashlight LED
Spilling water on a Carpet
Stained a Chair by Sitting in it
Stained bed and Blanket
Telling Hot from Cold Water
Temperature Range Widened and Tightened
Toaster Oven and Stove Top
Trying to see Remote Control Light
Trying to See Through Materials with an Infrared Camera
Vacuuming a Carpet
Visible Light Transferring Heat?
Water Drying on Hand
Winter Jacket Indoors
Writing with Pencil and a Highlighter

Visible Light + Infrared Footage
Infrared and Visible Light Cameras Simultaneously

Playlists on YouTube
Body Heat and Infrared
Cooking with Infrared
Fun with Water and Infrared
Infrared Camera Footage

NOT a Professional, NOT Qualified, NOT offering professional/business services, etc.

In case you missed the title, I don't know what I'm doing. I have the basics down, but I am not a professional, not certified, and definitely not remotely qualified to use an infrared camera. None of this is professional advice or even educated advice. None of the temperatures in any of the content (e.g. videos, photos) are accurate. For all intents and purposes, the camera is a "toy" to me.

Everything that I do in the photos and videos consist of turning the camera on, changing a few basic settings on the camera, pointing, and shooting. No advanced or patented techniques are used to perform any types of analysis. No professional or business services are offered using the camera beyond what is seen on this website and the associated YouTube channel.

"What is seen on this website and the associated YouTube channel" are simply "pretty pictures" that I want to share. They are purely for entertainment purposes. Enjoy!

Location of all photography: Canada
Last Updated: December 28, 2013