
Monday, May 08, 2017

Ikea LUNNOM LED bulb E26 100 lumen Impressions: What was I saying?

So, a short while ago, I was talking about how difficult it was to find very low wattage LED bulbs with an E26 base -- wattage in terms of brightness, not power consumption. Then I took a pass through the website recently and found a new collection of  LUNNOM LED bulbs. One of them appeared to be exactly what I was looking for.
Infrared Photo of an LED Light Bulb
Disclaimer: I had not had any firsthand experience with any LUNNOM light bulb products when I wrote this piece. Details were quoted from the Ikea United States website or Canada website in May 2017. Details on this page are NOT guaranteed for accuracy.

Ikea LUNNOM LED bulb E26 100 lumen First Impressions
When I searched for LUNNOM bulbs on the website in early May 2017, I got five search results that appeared to be light bulbs. The only bulb I was interested in was the Ikea LUNNOM LED bulb E26 100 lumen (403.821.82), so I checked it out in more detail and ignored the others. This was listed for CA$ 4.99 and the short description on the page mentioned "globe clear glass." The only term under the "Product description" was "Glass." I didn't have a bulb to check but if the shell was in fact glass, that would be interesting. My expectation would have been for it to be a clear plastic. Use of glass initially concerned me, then I remembered what CFL and incandescent bulbs were usually made of. Being able to see the "filaments" inside the product photo of the LUNNOM bulb was the obvious highlight.

The rated color temperature was "2200 K" on the "Product Information" page. That number looked lower than what I thought I was used to, so I looked up the product pages for the LEDARE LED bulb E26 400 lumen (902.667.93) and the RYET LED bulb E26 400 lumen (503.712.01). Both listed "2700 Kelvin" under their "Good to know" sections. If I understood the color temperature scale properly, this suggested that the Ikea LUNNOM bulb would have a more yellow or orange light. How much exactly? No idea.
Random filler photo
Two other details that I was interested in were found under the "Technical Info" tab. The "Nominal lifespan" was supposedly "15000 h" and the "Rated wattage" was noted as "1,0 Watt" on the page -- that comma is not a typo and I am aware some languages use a comma in place of a period for numbers. I was impressed by the wattage because the most readily available, low-wattage bulbs with an E26 base I could find locally were 15 watt incandescent bulbs. The rated lifespan for the LUNNOM appeared to be lower than that of the LEDARE E26 400 lumen bulb -- "25,000 hours" on its product page -- I looked up earlier. However, it was the same as the RYET E26 400 lumen's rating of "15,000 hours" -- found under its "Good to know" section.

The price for the LUNNOM LED bulb E26 100 lumen was acceptable at CA$ 4.99 to me. It was more than the RYET 400 lumen at CA$ 1.29 and lower than the LEDARE 400 lumen at CA$ 6.99 at the time. I do recognize that the lumen ratings are not really comparable. However, the LUNNOM seemed more like a specialty bulb that justified a bit of a premium in my mind.

Final Thoughts
I found the Ikea LUNNOM 100 lumen E26 bulb to be quite interesting. And I hope to try out at some point, maybe when a 15 watt-ish incandescent bulb in a desk lamp drops dead. I've seen these vintage-style bulbs before from other manufacturers, but to know that I can pick one up at a reasonable price at Ikea is great.

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