
Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Review: Ikea RÖSTI Potato Fritters

Bought some more food from my local Ikea's refrigerated section. More potatoes because you can't go wrong with potatoes?
Ikea ROSTI Potato Fritters
Ikea RÖSTI Potato Fritters: US$ 2.99 (CA$ 2.99)
Ikea ROSTI Potato Fritters Quick Look

Unboxing and Cooking
Tearing open a side-flap of the cardboard box revealed eight Ikea RÖSTI Potato Fritters. They were not separately packaged or wrapped. I poured them out onto a baking tray and managed to separate the few that were stuck together fairly easy -- not a hamburger meat type situation with bent knives.

There were some brief preparation instructions on the back of the box, and some fairly descriptive symbols were also found on the side of the box. I chose to bake the eight fritters in a stainless steel oven pan. The pan was too small to lay everything flat so I just staggered and stacked them. They were left in the oven for the period of time stated on the box. I did not leave them in the oven to cool this time around unlike the GRÖNSAKSKAKA from the day before. It worked out fine and everything seemed to be cooked.
Frozen just out of the box
How was it?
What could go wrong with potato pancakes? Or should I call them circular hash browns? If these RÖSTI potato fritters were any indication, not much. I enjoyed them. Flavoring didn't come off as too strong and tasted well balanced for me. The only flavors that came through were the potato and what I believed to be spices that I couldn't identify. Looking at the American website did not reveal any additional details about flavoring or ingredients. Someone threw out the box before writing this review so someone will be guessing for a while.

It looked like the surfaces had been browned before being packaged. Unfortunately, baking didn't seem to allow much for much crisp. They were moist but not soggy. Using a pan on a stove would probably have been better for taste and texture. It probably wouldn't have been too much trouble given the thickness of these pancakes either. Maybe the next pack? Anyway, the RÖSTI pancakes seemed like a pretty good breakfast item or side-dish for any other meal to me.

The price was pretty reasonable at CA$ 2.99. That's like two or three hash browns from a fast food place.
Cooked Ikea ROSTI Potato Fritters
I haven't met a dish with potatoes I didn't like yet. This offering from Ikea didn't change my mind and I found it enjoyable with a good balance of flavors. Price was reasonable in my view. Would buy again.

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