
Friday, July 24, 2015

Infrared: Ice Cubes, Foil, Food Wrap

Plastic Food Wrap Against Skin
Plastic Food Wrap and Body Heat
Clear plastic food wrap handled in front of an infrared camera and put up against skin. Not the most exciting thing to watch. This was more of a comparison between the aluminum foil in the other video that was also used in a similar fashion. Also, some materials have appeared differently when seen with an infrared camera compared to a visible light camera. Was this one of them? Probably not from my observations.

Aluminum Foil and Ice
The so called "other" video. Aluminum or aluminum foil from the kitchen being handled in front of an infrared camera. It is put into a plate with two ice cubes and some water at the bottom of it. The foil is then folded over to cover the ice. This foil appeared and looked as I thought it would with a lot of, what looked to be, reflections. Other color palettes were used when filming, but the foil looked a bit messy so only grey made the final cut.

And yes, that is the same plate from the other ice related videos. Last two cubes available. They had been out for a while at room temperature so were really starting to melt. Kind of a last minute, why not film it thing?
Ice Cubes into Hot Water
Ice Cubes Into Hot Water
Not really cubes, more rectangular with round-ish edges? Anyway, video of ice cubes being dropped into hot water. The water came from a hot water kettle. In my experience, the kettle heated water past 70 C on a regular basis, but it probably cooled down a bit before the ice was dropped in. It was ice made using tap water using an ice cube tray without a lid.

The ice started melting very quickly once it was added into the water. Didn't really expect anything else to happen. Never saw it happen with an infrared camera before though. Just seeing the ice melt with regular, boring visual light was pretty fun in itself. And if you're wondering, an extra plate was used under the container for the hot water to help with any spillover. It probably wasn't a good idea to use a non-steel container, in retrospect, considering that the temperature differential was huge between the hot water and ice cubes. Nothing happened, but would not try again.

Reminder: Temperatures are not accurate.

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