
Monday, December 09, 2013

A Fan, a Camera, a Razor, and an Infrared Camera

Electric powered devices under an infrared camera -- like a microscope? There's an electric razor, a portable fan, and a camera. Going to be honest: nothing really turned out that well. The cutting things were metal and gave off too many reflections. All the other things were too subtle or didn't show anything spectacular off.

Reminder: the camera isn't set up well enough for any temperature readings to be considered accurate.
Portable Fan
Portable Fan
This is a small fan with a really low wattage, so the thermal changes are very subtle. According to this video, a fan like this only uses around 15W (meter not calibrated). I'll have to try again with a box fan in the future, which uses something like 70W (meter not calibrated). At the very least, the motor should be much more visible. Otherwise, a fan run for a longer period of time would probably yield better results.

Electric Shaver
Electric Shaver
Next up, an electric mustache shaver with three separate blades. Three very shiny and reflective blades that completely distort the image. Again, a longer run would likely yield better results.
Long Lens Camera
Long Lens Camera
I don't know what I was expecting. The body to heat up? Camera lens to drag? Flash bulb to show something interesting? Nothing really to be seen here aside from a finger print. The flash does go off twice...

IR Vision, First Crack: Hot Cup, LCD TV, and a Laptop

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