
Tuesday, June 04, 2013

(Spoilers) What's on TV: June 2013 and Fall Preview

***SPOILER WARNING: Spoilers may be found in the post below about VARIOUS ITEMS. And I'm going to add in a bit of filler text here to limit how much of the main article gets shown in a preview. That should take care of most of it. Hopefully. And away we go. SPOILER WARNING. ***

Alright, just about every show I watch has now ended their seasons. The good news for me is that most of them have been renewed even the ones I thought were on their way out like Community. Some late openers are still running though. For example, Hannibal!


This was a complete surprise to me. I didn't hear much about it until a few weeks before it premiered. On the day of the premiere, I completely forgot it was on and only caught a rerun the week after and loved it. The show is based on the well known horror/thriller movies involving the FBI and Hannibal the serial killer. If you're familiar with the level of violence and tone of the movies, then you should have an idea of what to expect. There is a major underlying story arc, but I guess one could classify it as a weekly murder case style show.

Filming is apparently done in the Greater Toronto Area. Shots in downtown Toronto look familiar and I've read something about Orangeville being used a lot.

As for the show itself, I already said I love it. Why? Not because it's extremely violent. Not just because Laurence Fishburne is in it. No, I think the casting was really well done, and the style, writing, and presentation have been great so far.

The best news is that there are reports that the show has been renewed for a second season. Due to the ratings, this did not look like a sure thing for a while. Good to hear.

The Killing

With Mad Men wrapping up in a few weeks, it's time for something to fill the hole. The Killing season three just premiered this past weekend on Sunday, June 2, 2013 -- two hour starter. I liked the first two seasons and tuned in week after week, so this was a nice return. The show is based on a television series in Europe and instead of being a week to week, solve the case show, it is a single case solved over the entire season; the first two seasons were based on one case actually. After watching the two hour premiere, I will definitely be looking forward to this all season.

Fall 2013

May was when a bunch of networks announced their Fall schedules, but to be honest, I haven't really checked them out in detail. However, quick glances at the schedules and word of mouth have brought a few very interesting things to my attention.

Once Upon a Time in Wonderland

Being a huge fan of the original Once Upon a Time that only finished its second season last month, I was a bit surprised and annoyed initially. A spin-off? Already? On a two year old show? Well, after watching the trailer over and over and over again, it just looks too good to pass up. If you are a regular Once Upon a Time watcher, there will definitely be a lot of familiar scenes in the trailer -- by which I mean scenes that appear to have been taken directly from the original show. Oh well, the original content still looks great and it's already won me over.

Agents of Shield

I am not a huge comic book fan. Most of the comic book hero movies I do find enjoyable. Loved them as a kid, but not hooked on them. That hasn't really changed, but the trailer for Agents of Shield does look very interesting -- don't they all? Looks like something I may give a shot.